G'day to you, mate! Trust you're not crook (sick) on such a specky day. Pour yourself a mugga and grab a tantalizing virtual Anzac bikkie. Say...you know if I hear the word 'coffee', I want to know more, eh. Well here's a novel idea...
Metro St. James, a French-themed cafe in Sydney, Australia, has been
open for only three months but it’s gaining popularity fast thanks to an
ingenious promotional offer that allows customers to pay for their
coffee with kisses.
”We’re bringing romance back! Take your partner to the café from 9-11am in June and surprise them with a kiss when you order your coffee. We’re not accepting your money, just your kisses,” the cafe’s Facebook page reads.
But while the staff isn’t available for kissing, you don’t necessarily have to be a couple to take advantage of this original promotion. If you’re brave enough, you can just pick a random stranger from the streets, or an office buddy you’ve always had a crush on, all that matters is the kiss look genuine.
In Metro’s cute promotional video, one of the waiters says: “We’ll watch you. It has to be a real kiss … a true kiss. I can see if it is a fake kiss. I am kind of a specialist.” So no cheating!
Oh boy! I can see the sparks flying, can't you? Should be a hoot! Well as they say in the Land of Oz, "Good on you, mate!" I'm all for it.
See ya, eh!
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