Friday, November 9, 2012

Do you take your father to be your lawfully wedded husband?

G'Day to you, eh! How's tricks? Yeah, I know... it's grammatically incorrect but that's the expression.  While you ponder that, pour yourself a mug of coffee and grab one of those virtual mega muffins and I'll tell you about a patrimist. (Hey. Bob, are you coining new words again?) 

Valerie Spruill from Doylestown, Ohio, discovered that her husband, Percy, was also her father, the Akron Beacon Journal reports. The 60-year-old woman learned the truth six years after Percy's death.
Here is what happened, according to the Beacon Journal.

Spruill was sent to live with her grandparents when she was just 3 months old. She was told that her grandfather was her father and that her mother was a "family friend." Her biological mother was a "night lady" who was jailed on sex charges in 1980. Her biological father was Percy Spruill, who was 15 when he met Valerie's mother. 

Valerie and Percy later married. Throughout their marriage, Valerie said she heard rumors that Percy was her father, according to the Akron Beacon Journal. In April 1998, Percy died at the age of 60. In 2004, an uncle told Valerie the rumors were true, and a DNA test confirmed it.

Whoa, eh! Remember the old song, "I am my own grandpa?" but like,when you hear rumours that your your husband may be your dad, wouldn't you, like, check it out? Have you heard of DNA? Help me out here, already!

See ya, eh!
