Hey, I'm glad you're here because I want to tell you about a different and invasive airport scanner. But first, pour yourself a refreshing mug of Arabica and scan your eyes across the glorious array of virtual treats awaiting you. Okay, then...are you ready for this?
Security scanners that visually remove the clothes of passengers are to
be installed at US airports. A random selection of travellers getting
to board airplanes in Washington, New York, Los Angeles and other major
cities will be shut in the glass booths while a three-dimensional image
is made of their body beneath their clothes.
The glass booths close around the passenger and emit 'millimetre waves'
that pass through clothing to reveal metal, plastics, ceramics, tattoos,
and other body features according to the Transport Safety Authority.
Although image is detailed, only security screeners sitting in another
room will be able
to ogle passengers clearly visible sexual organs.
Barry Steinhardt, of the American Civil Liberties Union states that, 'People have no idea how graphic the images are'.
In order to protect the passengers privacy, passengers faces will be blurred (
as can be seen in the above photo) TSA authorities said.
To stop sexually charged security officers from printing themselves a copy of
naked passengers for their own pleasure, images will not be stored.
A TSA spokesman said: 'Once the transportation security officers have viewed
the image and resolved anomalies, the image is
erased from the screen.
Lara Uselding, a TSA spokeswoman, pointed out that passengers were not
obliged to accept the new machines. "hot looking passengers can choose between
the body imaging and the pat-down" she said with a smile.
Amsterdam's Schipol airport has apparently already started using the scanners. Yeah, I can believe it in Amsterdam!
I am inclined to think that if they bring those scanners into Canada there, passengers there would consider it a true invasion of privacy and there would be a serious backlash against the scanners and whoever brought them in. Just my opinion, mind, but I remember when they put traffic-monitoring cameras on University Avenue in Toronto. People created such an invasion of privacy fuss that they had to remove the cameras.
No sirree...it'll be a pat-down for me every time. You know me, I'm always interested in new technology but this is a piece of technology that, I'm afraid, I disagree with...not that anyone in government ever asks me. However, there is a quick fix, sort of... instead of one room where they view the scans, set up one room staffed by women to view the female scans and the to the staffed by guys to view the male scans. Still invasive but at least most of the ogling factor would be removed.
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