Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Communing with Nature...

Hiya! Great to see you (virtually, I mean). Grab a coffee and a low fat virtual doughnut filled with Bavarian cream and topped with chocolate sprinkles. Do you have a webcam on your computer? I have one on mine but don’t really make use of it. I was thinking that maybe sometime in the future, I could try doing podcasts (sounds like fishing for peas, doesn’t it). But that’d take some thinking about and research. My research assistant still hasn’t come back with info on that psychic who’s won the lottery. I’m patient, though… and so’s the car dealer holding my midnight blue stretch Lincoln towncar.

Hey, it’s June – not that it matters a heck of a lot here in Thailand. Same old same old except it’s a tad warmer right now …probably hovering around 35-36C (95-97F). Y’know… people talk about working together with nature and all its wee beasties. Well, I’m all for it - except when the critters are in our house. Like right now, eh!

Ask me what my favourite bread is here in Thailand…go on, ask! Okay…it’s Olive Chibata. Discovered it last year on our school outing to Hua Hin. Then a while back, I found that Carrefour in Pattaya makes and sells it in their bakery. Bought some last weekend. I usually keep fresh bought breads atop our toaster oven. That’s usually high enough to keep the ants at bay. Sunday, I opened the bag to munch on some chibata (dipped in olive oil) and guess what? Ants. Must have been Italian ants because they were scampering around my chibata. No they weren’t singing O Solo Mio far as I could determine. There wasn’t a hoard of them…just a few with a penchant for Italian bread. Ciao, baby! Outta here!

Sunday night, Nong went into the kitchen for something and I heard “Oh! Oh!” Ants in battle formation scurrying from the back door frame along the wall to the cupboard above the fridge. I cleaned them out quickly and we went back to the living room. An hour later, my turn to go into the kitchen (Nong having already retired). Lo and behold, instead of a platoon of ants, there was a battalion. Ant-to-ant lines of these tiny brown critters now going above the cupboard and headed somewhere unknown. Spray time!

Monday morning, I chanced to look out a back window and saw the reason for all the ‘ant’ics. See…we also have hornets just outside the back door trying to build a hive. There are about three hives hanging along the roof at the back. Nong knocks them down. Hornets build again. Nong knocks them down again. Hornets build them again. Could have something to do with the flowering bushes we have in the back. Anyway, there were pieces of hive on the ground just outside the back door and I could see that they were surrounded by ants…obviously eating whatever was in the hives. There was a long brown line moving from the hive pieces up to our outdoor light switch and going inside the switchbox. Where they were going from there is anybody’s guess.

When I got home last night, I looked out the same window. No ants but there was a house lizard, Jing Joke we call them. You may know the term Gecko. Anyway it was sitting about six inches away and watching the hornets rebuild their hive…again. I called out to Nong, “This Jing Joke is about to make a serious mistake!”  A hornet may look like a tasty treat to a small lizard but there were about a dozen or so of them around. Not a good dinner plan.

So much for communing with nature, eh!

See ya!


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